More people should know who you are

The Headturner is a weekly newsletter that breaks down how to earn attention in today’s noisy world.

Issues drop every Wednesday and take only 4-5 minutes to read.

Note: We're on a hiatus right now. Stay tuned for when we return!

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    Look forward to:

    πŸ™‚β€β†”οΈ Headturning Headlines

    A headline's the first thing you read. What makes a headline good? What makes a headline great?



    πŸ’‘Stay Relevant

    Genius/wacky campaigns from brands staying top of mind.


    Pop Tarts mascot; image via Florida Citrus Sports


    πŸ•΅οΈ In Profile

    If this person can get a NYT feature, so can you!



    πŸ˜† Just for Laughs

    These are either a meme, or about to become one…



    Even if you don’t want your business to become a household name, we can at least guarantee you’ll become the most interesting person at the dinner table.


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